
Well, as usual instead of taking a bite I have swallowed the whole cookie... I've been crocheting mediocre blankets for about a year now and I found a website that inspired me to learn how to do more. My "pet" cause (pun intended) is the welfare of stray animals, and my neighborhood has a lot... more than I can afford to take in, sadly. I decided to start this blog so that like-minded animal lovers can follow my progress in this area, and possibly be inspired to help as well. My mission is to make toys for the strays at the local Humane Society shelter, and possibly raise some money to help get more strays off the street, or to prevent the strays from being there in the first place by facilitating more free spay and neuter clinics. I will be posting my progress as I teach myself (with the help of Ravelry.com and Youtube) to craft more complicated projects... leading up to items useful to pet shelters, such as toys, animal beds, etc. Please stay tuned; all commentary is welcome.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Day 1

Welcome to Day One of Stitches4strays. I'm wondering if I bit off more than I can chew as usual, since I seem to be the only person interested in this holy quest of mine, but I'm going to give it a shot. Today I will be posting pictures as I work on some catnip-filled cat toys for donation to a local shelter. I found a host of patterns for cat and dog related toys and I want to try. If anyone has ideas, patterns, suggestions or comments I am eager to hear them! Here goes nothing...

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